

Attendances at Conferences and Workshops

EU 3D-BRICKS kick off meeting
04.-05.05.2023, Geneva (Italy)

DPG Meeting SKM 2021 (virtual conference)
27.09.-01.10.2021, (online)

DPG SurfaceScience 2021 (virtual conference)
01.-04.03.2021, (online)

International Conference of Nanoscience and Technology (online)
12.-15.07.2021, Vancouver (Canada)

SPP2137 Skyrmionics Retreat Meeting (remote and onsite)
13.-14.10.2021, Bad Honnef (Germany)

65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2020) (online)
02.-06.11.2020, Palm Beach, FL (USA)

SPP2137 Skyrmionics Retreat Meeting (remote and onsite)
03.-04.09.2020, Bad Honnef (Germany)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
30.06.-05.07.2019, Malmö (Sweden)

8th International Conference on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy (SPS'19)
17.06.-20.06.2019, Hamburg (Germany)

Spin Caloritronics X
19.05.-24.05.2019, Groningen (The Netherlands)

83rd Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
31.03.-05.04.2019, Regensburg (Germany)

SPP2137 Skyrmionics Retreat Meeting
27.-28.02.2019, Munich (Germany)

82nd Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
11.-16.03.2018, Berlin (Germany)

28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT28)
09.-16.08.2017, Gothenburg (Sweden)

Spin Caloritronics 8
12.-15.06.2017, Regensburg (Germany)

61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
31.10.-04.11.2016, New Orleans, LA (USA)

28.-31.08.2016, Chiba (Japan)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
21.-26.08.2016, Busan (Republic of Korea)

80th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
06.-11.03.2016, Regensburg (Germany)

International Conference on Magnetism (ICM)
05.-10.07.2015, Barcelona (Spain)

79th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
15.-20.03.2015, Berlin (Germany)

DFG Kolloquium (SPP 1538) "Spin Caloric Transport"
02-03.02.2015, Bad Honnef (Germany)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
21.-25.07.2014, Vail, CO (USA)

16.-18.07.2014, Huron, OH (USA)

78th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
30.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden (Germany)

58th Annual Conference On Magnetism And Magnetic Materials
04.-08.11.2013, Denver, CO (USA)

6th International Conference on SPS and 4th International Workshop on SP-STM
09.-12.09.2012, Timmendorfer Strand (Germany)

European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-29)
03.-07.09.2012, Edinburgh (UK)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
23.-27.07.2012, Paris (France)

International Conference on Magnetism (ICM)
08.-13.07.2012, Busan (Republic of Korea)

76th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
25.-30.03.2012, Berlin (Germany)

75th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
13.-18.03.2011, Dresden (Germany)

Competition "Prize for comprehensible science"
16.12.2010, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht (Germany)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
23.-27.08.2010, Beijing (China)

19.-20.08.2010, Seoul (Republic of Korea)

74th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
21.-26.03.2010, Regensburg (Germany)

International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2009)
27.-31.07.2009, Karlsruhe (Germany)

72nd Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
23.-27.03.2009, Dresden (Germany)

27.07.-01.08.2008, Liverpool (UK)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
21.-25.07.2008, Keystone, Colorado (USA)

15.-19.07.2008, Athens, Ohio (USA)

March Meeting 2008 of the American Physical Society
10.-14.03.2008, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA)

72nd Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
25.-29.02.2008, Berlin (Germany)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
02.07.-06.07.2007, Stockholm (Sweden)

71st Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
26.-30.03.2007, Regensburg (Germany)

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
30.07.-04.08.2006, Basel (Switzerland)

SPS'06 and SPSTM-1
23.-26.07.2006, Hamburg (Germany)

70th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
26.-31.03.2006, Dresden (Germany)

STM'05: 13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques
03.-08.07.2005, Sapporo (Japan)

69th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
04.-09.03.2005, Berlin (Germany)

Heraeus-Ferienkurs "Physik der magnetischen Nanostrukturen"
13.-24.09.2004, Halle (Germany)

54th Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners in Lindau
27.06.-02.07.2004, Lindau (Germany)

68th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg (Germany)

Leopoldina Symposium "From Nanoscience to Nanotechnology"
04.-05.09.2003, Karlsruhe (Germany)

67th Spring Conference, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
24.-28.03.2003, Dresden (Germany)