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Latest news

New PhD position in Hamburg available

Starting on 2025-04-01, a new PhD position will open in our working group to tackle the question on how to manipulate atomic-scale skyrmions with spin-polarized surface currents, utilizing SP-STM in a novel three-tip experimental setup. Interested to do your PhD in this fascinating field of nanoscience? Feel free to contact me for more information!
Link to official announcement with more details

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Most recent papers

Growth of an Fe buckled honeycomb lattice on Be(0001)

H. Osterhage, A. H. Khan, K. Oetker, R. Dao, S. Setayandeh, R. Wiesendanger, P. Burr, and S. Krause
Surf. Sci. 752, 122609 (2025).

Phonon-mediated tunneling into a two-dimensional electron gas on the Be(0001) surface

H. Osterhage, R. Wiesendanger and S. Krause
Phys. Rev. B 103, 155428 (2021).

Detailed list of all papers


Winter semester 2024/25:
Nanoscience practical course:

Learn how an STM works and how you can do both: imaging and manipulation on the nano-scale!

List of courses and practicals